Customer Services
To place a new order, or if you need help with your existing order, just call our friendly Customer Services team.
New Orders
To place a new order, our order line is open 24/7 by calling 03333 241 241.
Help With Existing Orders
To speak to someone about an existing order, our helplines are open between 8:00am to 8:00pm on Monday to Friday and between 9:00am and 5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday on 03333 24 24 24.
Alternatively, you can email us: [email protected] - please include your ShopOnTV Order Number in all communications with us.
Interact With The Show
If you want to contact the show, you can email us: [email protected] - Please note that the Studio Team are not able to assist with Customer Service and do not have access to Customer Accounts or Order information.